If anyone reading this is a Facebook friend of mine, (or Annamarie) you have noticed a few posts about a little movement called Advent Conspiracy. Now I'm not a bandwagon jumper, choosing to latch onto the the latest craze in Jesus-based programs, or the newest charity organization. In fact, I have a hard time getting involved with anything because I never know if its a legitimate program, or just another "here today-gone tomorrow" type deal. Thats exactly why Advent Conspiracy has so intrigued me.
Advent Conspiracy is a movement, a mind-set, a complete rethinking of Christmas. They don't want our money, they want us to recognize the incredible possibilities of restoring the focus of Christmas back to Jesus. What a radical concept huh? Focus our attention on Jesus around Jesus' birthday??
Actually, I think most Christians love and believe the catch-phrase of "Jesus is the reason for the season". Unfortunately, I think they just don't really know what to do with it. I admit that despite wanting to show my children that Christmas isn't about them, I struggle with the thought that I might not shower them with gifts and toys and thereby disappointing them and letting them down as a parent. Then I read about how many children die every minute because they dont have clean water (4 in case your wondering) and I think to myself....what am I REALLY doing to them as a parent? What gift am I giving them that is actually lasting and meaningful? Do they need plastic playthings or a spirit of compassion? Do they need more "stuff" or more time with me?
Do they need gifts on Jesus' birthday, or do we give Jesus the gifts on Jesus birthday?
Obviously all of those questions should be rhetorical, and they are, but are they gonna spark change? I can say it's changing me. In fact, several events and experiences over the past few months have had strong impacts on my life and placed a spotlight on how blessed we really are. It all came together when we discovered AC almost by accident, or by divine interaction, but thats another story. As a result, I feel a very strong pull to make Advent Conspiracy a big part of UpStreet throughout Christmas. So you're gonna see the posters, videos, etc. in and around UpStreet this season. I truly hope it sparks the kind of rethinking in our church that has happened in others around the world. Lets make Christmas a world changing event, again.
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