Moving on. Hopefully you are reading this because 1)you actually read my emails or 2) your following us on Facebook. I must say I am personally more excited about Facebook because, well, its Facebook. Its an addiction for many, a mear distraction for others, but somewhere in the middle are those who just want to stay connected. Either way, its a powerful communication tool, and we want to use it. A lot. And soon we're gonna Twitter. But not now.
Now those things are really not imortant, and not why I'm writing. The real story is that we have had two small group Sundays....and 2 kids have gotten saved! Amelia Bradshaw and Parker Valdez are our first two examples of why we do what we do. In case we haven't discussed it lately, please re-read this post from May. This has to be our thinking every single Sunday. What we are doing for 2 hours on those mornings may be the only truly important activity any of us ever actually engage in. Dont take lightly the responsibilities each one of us carry.....the outcome is way to important.
Rock on UpStreet!