"It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game."
These words are infinitley famous, to anyone whose ever played sports, yet the origin is completely unknown. Some say it came from a poem, some say it was Yogi Berra (not likely), and some say it was Vince Lombardi (again, sorry, but I doubt he EVER said that). Personally, I think it was started by a dad whose son just gave up a game-winning homerun....and he was looking for something, anything, to say to cheer him up. Or maybe it was his daughter. Or mom to son, or.... nevermind...the point is that it sounds like something made up to justify, or lessen the impact of, failure. I mean, I find it unlikely that it was ever said after someone won a game.
"Great job guys, way to play hard and stay focused, and overcome the odds to face the Giants and win!! But really, what matters most is the way you played. Now everyone join hands and lets sing Kum Ba Yah!" Uuuuhhh no.
We keep score for a reason. We practice for a reason. We sweat for a reason. To win. (And trust me, as a very competitive person, I found no consolation in being told I lost with grace.) Losing hurts, and I learned to despise losing; at anything.
Sunday mornings are now the SuperBowl. They are the World Series, Final Four, Tour de France; whatever comparison you want to make. We have to win. Its too important to justify failure or mediocrity with ANY other option. (I mean, I know were just talking about kids lives, their salvation, heaven, hell, eternal damnation and all that, nothing major like money or rings or trophys, etc. but bear with me.) I am scared to think of ever hearing a voice in my head say,
"Look, I know nobody's getting saved, no kids are getting Baptized, moral is down, and you have't added a new kid in 6 months, BUT.....you're really playing by the rules, you never showed any emotions, and any Baptist church would be proud to call you a member!"
Shoot me now.
Here's my point. Lets pull out all the stops. Rethink everything.
Lets do what we have to do to win.
I agree with you 100%!! THis is the most important time in a childs life to show them the love of Christ and the yearning he wants to have that relationship with them. I love youth programs but I think they are more af a way to keep a teenager at bay from making unwise decisions. So you have my full on commitment to ministering to these chidren!
ReplyDeleteWOW you just had to put that picture on there of me...anyways, we had a GREAT time yesterday. It is really cool to have such awesome friends and incredible people in our lives. To see all those people who have put so much time into our kids. Just a huge THANKYOU to all of you and what you do for our family. Having all of you in our lives makes the pressure of being a parent that much easier. It is very reassuring that we have other adults that care about Kati, Hunter and Kelli as much as we do and would be there for them at any moment. Thank you again to all of you!!! Steph Helton