Okay...in case you haven't heard.....we're gonna’ cookout. (Ssshhh, dont tell anyone...I dont want to cause a riot. I mean, can you image what would happen if I EVERONE knew we were grillin' burgers and 'dogs and ribs and steak (those last two are a lie) and all they had to do was show up! They ain't gotta bring nothin'?! It could get out of hand real fast.)
Lucky for us it isn't for everyone. It’s just for those brave and courageous souls who have had some kind of involvement in getting UpStreet off the ground and running. Oh, and the families of said individuals. Or couples. Whatever.
Anyway, June 7th, (yes that is Thunder Sunday) we are inviting everyone who has ever helped with UpStreet to a cookout at Baton Walking park. Despite the name walking will not be required; except what is necessary to get you from your car, or bicycle or scooter or llama, to the food. (Due to unfortunate events of the past, please tie llamas in designated llama areas) The park is about 4/10ths of a mile below the church, just across from Ingles. I say below because the road is downhill going from the church to the park, so “below” sounds right. Right?
There is no specific time set for eating, just mosey on down after church and we’ll already be cooking. In fact, I may have already eaten. I promise I would have blessed the food if I have. I'll happily re-bless it once everyone arrives, just to be safe.
There’s a lot for kids to do and I am bringing Lawn Darts to play as a group. So come hungry, bring a chair to chill in and relax. If anybody has any requests for food, please email me or just put it in the comments below. It should be a fun afternoon! Unless it rains….then it will just be horrible and a totally wasted day. Just kidding.
Love ya'll.
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